Media Release: Soccer pavilion takes shape

The Ringwood Soccer Reserve’s multipurpose sports pavilion is starting to take shape with the first of the steel beams being lifted into place last week.

In May 2009, the Federal Government provided $2.9million of funding for the project as part of the Regional and Local Community Infrastructure Program.

Maroondah Councillor Mayor Alex Makin welcomed Federal Member for Deakin MP Mike Symon and to the site last Wednesday to oversee the continuance of works.

“The old stadium and grandstand have been cleared from the site for some time, so it was amazing to see the crane lifting all of the steel beams into place,” Cr Makin said. “As the pavilion take shapes over the next couple of months the community will be able to start seeing the benefits of the new facility.”

“The redevelopment includes a multi-purpose shared sports pavilion with a boxing gymnasium, office space for the Ringwood District Cricket Association, male and female change facilities, car parking, spectator viewing areas and lighting,” Cr Makin said.

“The facility will also feature many environmentally friendly initiatives including the installation of solar hot water units, bladders will be placed under the building to catch storm water runoff which will be used to flush the toilets, solar panels will be used to generate enough power to light and heat the facility,” Cr Makin said.

The playing field will also be upgraded to an all weather synthetic surface. This project was jointly funded by $650,000 of funding from Maroondah Council and Sport and Recreation Victoria.

The completed venue will be home to the Ringwood City Soccer Club, Ringwood District Cricket Association and the MVC Boxing Club. It will also supplement the other major facilities at Ringwood’s Jubilee Park, including the proposed Maroondah Aquatic and Leisure facility.

The pavilion works are expected to be completed in January next year with car parking sealing to commence in February and the synthetic surface to be installed in March 2011.

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2 responses to “Media Release: Soccer pavilion takes shape”

  1. ruth malla Avatar
    ruth malla

    how can i get in touch with mvc boxing?

  2. Hi Ruth, the email address I have for MVC Boxing is



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