The Ringwood Chamber of Commerce aims to specifically represent the interests of businesses within Ringwood and is one of several business groups within the City of Maroondah. This evening the Ringwood Chamber of Commerce held its annual general meeting to elect officebearers for the upcoming twelve months and to outline the future direction of the organisation.

The Ringwood Chamber of Commerce and Industry was founded in 1947 and has played an important role in the history in Ringwood, including advocating for the placement of Eastland Shopping Centre, as well as Ringwood Square and the former Ringwood Market. Tonight’s guest speaker was Richard Carter, who spoke about his book, “From Horse Shoes to High Heels”, which documented the history of the land that is now occupied by Eastland Shopping Centre.

The establishment of Eastland in 1967, reshaped the Ringwood landscape and the centre has expanded several times over the following years, with the most recent extensions being in 2001. Eastland is now planning a further expansion, which will see the site expand to the Maroondah Highway and create a new mall-like environment. In addition, this redevelopment will provide for the creation of a new Library and Learning Centre for Ringwood, as well as the creation of a new town centre, to provide a civic and community soul for Ringwood.

This proposed development and the new civic facilities, means we can create an accessible urban centre, providing a range of community, residential and commercial opportunities. Ringwood has a unique history and it is great to see the involvement of our community in discussing the possibilities that exist for Ringwood’s future.


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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Paul Rogers, alexmakin. alexmakin said: New post: Ringwood Chamber of Commerce 2010 AGM […]

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