Tour of the Casey Recreation and Aquatic Centre

The Casey Recreation and Aquatic Centre is located in Cranbourne East and was opened in 2009 at a cost of $38 million.  The Centre is a multi-purpose facility and provides a range of health and fitness services, including a gym, warm water pool and saunas. In addition, the centre has a range of aquatic facilities to meet the needs of all age groups, including water play areas and a 50 metre pool.

This evening Councillors undertook a tour of the Casey Recreation and Aquatic Centre to compare the facility to the proposed Aquatic and Leisure Centre for Ringwood. Encouragingly, the Casey Recreation and Aquatic Centre has exceeded patronage expectations and is returning a surplus to Council while also providing a range of recreation opportunities for the community.

The tour of the Casey facility provides an opportunity to learn from recent projects and to ensure that the proposed centre for Ringwood meets the needs of our community.


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