Eastern Volunteers – Business Booster Breakfast

Eastern Volunteers would like to invite you to our Business Booster Breakfast at Club Ringwood on 15th September, to launch our new business network, Friends of EV.

Our Business Booster Breakfast will offer the chance to:

  • hear Tom O’Dowd (Exclusive Distributor for Power Balance in Australia & NZ) speak on ‘The benefits for businesses of engaging with the community (and some strategies on how to make this a competitive advantage)’
  • hear from Alex Makin, Mayor of Maroondah
  • see the launch of ‘Friends of EV’ and find out more about it
  • meet Terry Macdonald, Chair of EV’s Board and other key staff, and
  • network with other like-minded local business-people

all while enjoying a cooked breakfast at Club Ringwood!

We will also discuss some of the synergies available and benefits to you of partnering with Eastern Volunteers and our networks. We are keen to hear your questions and needs and we encourage you to bring your thoughts to share in the discussion.

For further information please visit www.easternvolunteers.org.au/boosterbreakfast.php


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