Maroondah Art Gallery Exhibition Opening ‘Idee fixe’ & ‘Come into the Garden Maud’

The Maroondah Art Gallery is located at Maroondah Federation Estate in Greenwood Avenue, Ringwood. This evening I attended the opening of two exhibitions, ‘Idée fixe’ and ‘Come into the Garden Maud’.

‘Idée fixe’ includes works from three artists, Penelope Le Petit, Julie Milton and Antoinette de Morton, who utilise printmaking and a range of mediums to explore the association of objects and gender associations. ‘Come into the Garden Maud’, features works by Sharman Feinberg whose paintings depict the colours and shape of a number of private and public gardens, including Monet’s Garden in Giverny France.

Both exhibitions will be featured at the Maroondah Art Gallery until the 2nd of October. For further details please visit


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