Morning Tea for Maroondah’s School Crossing Supervisors

One of the services Maroondah City Council provides is crossing supervisors who ensure that schoolchildren are able to cross roads safely near schools. Each year the Maroondah City Council holds a morning tea to thank our crossing supervisors and the work that they undertake.

Some of Maroondah’s longest serving employees are crossing supervisors and the morning tea ensures that we are able to acknowledge the service they provide for the community. As Mayor, I spoke at the function to publicly acknowledge the dedication of the supervisors and discussed my own experiences and appreciation that I had for crossing supervisors during my time at both Marlborough Primary and Luther College.

While the school year is shortly drawing to a close our crossing supervisors will be returning for the new school year in 2011.


One response to “Morning Tea for Maroondah’s School Crossing Supervisors”

  1. […] the 19th of November I attended Maroondah’s end of year function for crossing supervisors. The function provides an opportunity to thank crossing supervisors for the work they undertake in […]

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