It’s not too late to register a site to help beautify Maroondah during Clean Up Australia Day on Sunday 6 March.

Councillor Alex Makin said various sites had already been identified around Maroondah, including the Council coordinated site at Mullum Mullum Creek.

“This year Council will be working at the Mullum Mullum Creek in Ringwood, and we will gladly welcome extra pairs of hands on the day,” Cr Makin said.

“If you’re willing to help, you can meet Council representatives at the end of Acacia Court, Ringwood between 9.30am and 11.30am,” Cr Makin said.

“Helpers are asked to be safe when participating by wearing sturdy footwear, gloves, sunscreen and a hat, and by bringing refreshments and a bucket,” Cr Makin said.

“The Maroondah community has always been very supportive of Clean Up Australia Day, with more than 110 people collecting more than one tonne of rubbish from across seven sites during last years event,” Cr Makin said.

“We value the many volunteers who keep coming back to help clean up our parks, reserves and roadsides. It would be wonderful to see some new faces at this year’s event, to show that the Maroondah community care about reducing our impact on the environment,” Cr Makin said.

For further information or to register your involvement at Council’s Clean Up site call Council on 9298 4369 or visit

Other community sites organised for the day are at Ringwood Lake, Dandenong Creek, Anderson’s Creek and Tarralla Creek. To find out more or register to help at these sites call Clean Up Australia on 1800 282 329 or visit

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