Neighbourhood Conversations – Port Melbourne

One of the core responsibilities of a newly elected Council is the development of the Council Plan, which outlines strategic priorities over the next four years and in turn influences council resource allocations.

While Councillors have direct ability to input into the Council Plan, it is also imperative that we hear from the community to ensure it reflects community priorities over the next four years.

This afternoon, Council held a Neighbourhood Conversation session along Bay Street, as the Councillor for Montague Ward, I was joined by Cr Heather Cunsolo (Port Melbourne) and Cr Rod Hardy (Albert Park) in listening to resident viewpoints.

The Neighbourhood Conversation Tent situated on Bay Street, Port Melbourne (photo courtesy of local resident Jurgis)

Thank you to the many members of our community who despite the intermittent rain, shared their views – chief amongst them being the condition of Bay Street, community safety and the state of Fishermans Bend.

Alex Makin (Montague Ward) with Cr Rod Hardy (Albert Park Ward) and Cr Heather Cunsolo (Port Melbourne Ward) with local resident Jurgis (who kindly also provided photography on the day)

The Neighbourhood Conversations are one of several methods that Council uses to engage our community over the Council Plan, alongside a panel that will be formed in early 2025 and formal feedback on the proposed Plan.

I encourage you to contact me on or 0431 778 761 to share your priorities for this term of Council.


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