Council Meeting: 11 December 2024

Port Phillip Council holds Council meetings on a fortnightly basis with tonight’s meeting being the final Council meeting for 2024.

Urgent Business

This Motion was added to the Council proceedings in response to the firebombing of the Adass Israel Synagogue on Friday 8 December. The Motion moved by Cr Libby Buckingham and seconded by myself stated:

That Council:

  1. Condemns the antisemitic terrorist attack on the Adass Israel Synagogue in Ripponlea on Friday 6 December 2024.
  2. Recommits to stand with the Jewish community in Ripponlea and throughout the City of Port Phillip at this difficult time.
  3. Condemns the increasing antisemitism being directed at the Jewish community and commits to continue to work with Jewish leaders to prevent and combat antisemitism. 

This Motion reinforces our commitment to the Ripponlea and Jewish communities during a time of unprecedented attacks and was passed unanimously by the Council.

Community Safety

Council unanimously passed a motion focused on community safety, moved by Cr Libby Buckingham in cooperation with each of the Councillors. The Motion states:

That Council:-

  1. Reaffirms its commitment to a safe, liveable and just community.
  2. Requests that City of Port Phillip initiate a round table of key stakeholders, incorporating the City of Port Phillip, health, housing, community legal and social service providers, Victoria Police and other relevant stakeholders or recognised expertise to examine the current situation and review place-based models to address community safety issues in our high streets and surrounding areas.
  3. Requests that the round table:

a) Provide advice and case studies from other jurisdictions on community outreach models and consider opportunities to ensure best practice in the City of Port Phillip;
b) Provide advice and case studies from other Council jurisdictions on how local laws can be used to provide community safety and protect the amenity of public spaces within the City of Port Phillip. The advice is to include consideration of police protocols and operations with the City of Melbourne and their applicability to the City of Port Phillip;
c) Review the merit and feasibility of establishing an ongoing alliance to continue this work over the next four years.
d) Provide recommendations to Council on the above within the short and long-term.

  1. Requests that the Mayor write to the Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police seeking advice and recommendations on local laws in the City of Port Phillip, and a proposal on how any changes to the local laws would be used and work in practice.
  2. Notes that officers have commenced work on the update of the City of Port Phillip’s Community Safety plan including opportunities for the public to share their lived experiences in relation to community safety and that Councillors will be updated on this regularly.

This Motion will enable Council to gain best practice insights on how to more effectively support a commitment to and liveable and safe community. Importantly, it also seeks input from Victoria Police on Council’s Local Laws and how we can work cooperatively to improve community safety.

I thank the many community speakers who offered their support for this motion.

Changes to Planning Delegations

This evening there was also a Motion requesting the delegation of Councillor’s planning powers during January when Council is in recess.

The consequence of this original motion would have hampered a Councillor’s ability to represent their community on planning matters during January. I was deeply concerned over the precedent this would set, as well as hampering community participation in planning matters.

Drawing on my previous Council experiences on Maroondah City Council (where such exemptions to delegation did not apply) I secured the unanimous support of Council to pass an amended Motion, that simply reinforced Council’s ability to act on matters before VCAT and where comments are required by other statutory authorities.

The original motion:

That Council:

3.1     Delegates to the Chief Executive Officer (including the power to on delegate), effective for the period 12 December 2024 until the first sitting of the new Ordinary Council meeting on 5 February 2025, the power to:

3.1.1    Determine an application where:

  • 16 or more objections are received and the application has not been refused under delegation.
  • The application raises strategic or substantive policy issues.
  • The application involves substantive non-compliance with the Planning Scheme or Council Policy, but officers consider the application should be supported.
  • The application involves non-compliance with residential parking requirements.
  • The application exceeds six storeys in height in the area covered by Sub precinct 2 in Schedule 26 to the Design and Development Overlay in the Port Phillip Planning Scheme, for the St Kilda Road North precinct.

3.2     To determine planning permit applications, amendments or requests for extensions of time to applications within the Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area including applications comprising use and/or development of accommodation.

3.3     To provide comments to the Minister for Planning for proposals, permit applications and/or planning scheme amendments in Council’s role as a referral authority.

3.4     To instruct Council’s Statutory Planners and/or Council’s advocates in relation to any application lodged with VCAT under Part 4, Division 2 or 3 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987, or an application for a planning scheme amendment or an application before an Advisory Committee.

3.5     All determinations made during the period 12 December 2024 through the exercise of these delegations until the first sitting of the new Planning Committee will be reported to an Ordinary Council Meeting or Planning Committee before the end of March 2025.

The alternative motion passed by Council:

That Counci:

3.1   Delegates to the Chief Executive Officer (including the power to on delegate), effective for the period 12 December 2024 until the first sitting of the new Ordinary Council meeting on 5 February 2025, the power to:

3.1.1       To provide comments to the Minister for Planning for proposals, permit applications and/or planning scheme amendments in Council’s role as a referral authority.

3.1.2       To instruct Council’s Statutory Planners and/or Council’s advocates in relation to any application lodged with VCAT under Part 4, Division 2 or 3 of the Planning and Environment Act 1987, or an application for a planning scheme amendment or an application before an Advisory Committee.

3.2     All determinations made during the period 12 December 2024 through the exercise of these delegations until the first sitting of the new Planning Committee will be reported to an Ordinary Council Meeting or Planning Committee before the end of March 2025.

While it is easy to overlook the importance of this Motion, the amended retains the ability of the community and the role of Councillors in planning matters. This motion is a critical step in strengthening governance and keeping Council accountable.

Agenda and minutes of the Port Phillip Council meetings are available at 2024 Meetings and Agendas – City of Port Phillip


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