Back2Bikes is a not-for-profit charity located at 525 Williamstown Road next to JL Murphy Reserve within Montague Ward. The organisation provides repairs, and recycling of bicycles, as well as training in maintenance and the gifting of bikes to vulnerable members of our community.

This afternoon I was invited as the Ward Councillor to a tour of the Back2Bikes workshop and facilities, seeing their operations. The vision established for Fishermans Bend is predicated on the need for active and sustainable transport, walking, cycling and public transport are all required to ensure we have a vibrant urban future.

Back2Bikes as an organisation that facilitates cycling and active transport is an integral part of our community and I thank the committee members and volunteers for arranging this tour.

For further information on Back2Bikes visit Back2Bikes – Bike donation, recycling and volunteering

Alex with committee members and volunteers from Back2Bikes


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