

Alex with his wife Natalia and our two Cavoodles (Lady and Duchess)

I am the only candidate who lives in Montague Ward and am politically independent, having never been a member of a political party. I am committed to delivering the best outcomes for our community across the ward and the entire City of Port Phillip.

If elected I commit to the following by Making it Happen for Montague:

Click to expand: Ensure Council represents the voices of our community, rather than party politics.

I am politically independent and have never been a member of a political party – the reason I achieved so much during my time on Maroondah City Council (2005-2012) was due to my political independence.

Successes included the removal of zone three fares, more frequent bus services and $500 million redevelopment of Ringwood Town Centre.

Port Phillip needs Councillors who can successfully advocate to other levels of government, so they work in partnership with our community to support housing requirements, better public transport, stronger environmental sustainability, and high-quality service delivery.

Click to expand: Restore good governance
Poor governance led to failures in waste management and rubbish collection

Many of Port Phillip Council’s current failings, such as missed rubbish collections, cost blowouts and delays, are due to poor governance. It is because of poor governance, that we required almost 2,500 community members to petition council before it would reverse plans that would restrict dog off-leash areas.

Council has lost touch with the community.

Good governance starts immediately from the new Council term through the Council Plan, which is where Councillors set their vision for the next four years.

My vision for Port Phillip includes new mechanisms for the community to directly engage Council through deputations. Formal deputations previously existed in the City of Port Phillip until 2022 and provided an opportunity to put forward community-led recommendations that required Council to formally respond to new ideas and initiatives.

I introduced deputations when I was Mayor of Maroondah, and it led to several new initiatives improving community safety and amenity.

Click to expand: Improve our off-leash dog parks, so our pets and our families can thrive.
Alex with founding members of the CoPP Dog Network, which resulted in Council abandoning plans to restrict dog off leash spaces

Montague Ward and Port Phillip more broadly have some of the highest numbers of pet dogs within Australia. It is clear that our community cherishes pets and requires Council to accommodate further growth in pet ownership.

I have been heavily involved in the CoPP Dog Network, working alongside other community members to reverse proposed restrictions that would have reduced off-leash spaces.

The dog population of Port Phillip is only going to grow. I support the need for more off-leash dog spaces within our public space network, as well as improved signage, the provision of waste management bags and incentives to encourage suitable training.

Port Phillip must be dog friendly.

Click to expand: Enhance community safety by improving our local streets.
Community safety needs to be improved through better lighting and security

Increased crime across Port Melbourne and Port Phillip is making our local streets unsafe, affecting our communities and businesses. We need action to improve our local streets, including improved lighting and security to act as a deterrent. 

I firmly believe an ongoing police presence is warranted in Port Melbourne and will advocate for these resources to be provided by the State Government.

I support the introduction of improved cameras, lighting and urban amenity to reduce crime and make our streets safer. During my time on Maroondah City Council we introduced cameras in Ringwood and Croydon and they improved community safety.

Click to expand: Advocacy for better public transport throughout Fishermans Bend and Port Phillip.
Fishermans Bend urgently requires strong advocacy to secure much needed transport infrastructure

Fishermans Bend urgently requires strong and focused advocacy to secure much-needed transport infrastructure.

Fishermans Bend is not meeting its potential, largely due to a lack of active investment by the State Government. Fishermans Bend needs long-promised tram extensions, as well as Melbourne Metro 2, to serve as the catalyst for this urban precinct.

Only an independent voice working alongside the community will compel the State Government to act.

When I was Mayor of Maroondah in 2010, I secured the upgrade of Ringwood Station after 20 years of inaction.

The redevelopment of Ringwood Station transforming an unsafe and non-disability compliant station into a safe and accessible transport interchange led to the revitalisation of Ringwood Town Centre, creating new business precincts and housing.

Click to expand: Instill fiscal responsibility, preventing ongoing cost blowouts and project delays.
Lagoon Reserve remains closed as its reopening experiences ongoing delays

Strengthening accountability is critical to ensuring projects are delivered within budget and expected timeframes.

I will request Council provide regular updates on actions and commitments it has made to increase accountability and to review progress.

I will require a project planning approach that mitigates cost overruns and project delays through a framework that will strengthen governance, improve service delivery and improve procurement processes.

Effective use of Council funds is critical to improving the quality of services we can provide to the community.

Click to expand: Strengthen sustainability by reducing Council’s adverse environmental impact.
Port Phillip’s current sustainable environment strategy requires review

When I was on Maroondah City Council (2005-2012), I looked at the leadership that inner city councils were providing on climate change and used this to successfully improve Maroondah’s commitment to the environment.

I led the reduction of Council’s water and energy usage and incorporated sustainability design principles into council facilities, as well as supporting community environmental initiatives.

Today, Port Phillip is lagging on climate change action.

I will restore leadership by reducing Council’s water, energy and transport usage, as well as reductions on the urban heat effect. I also support initiatives that will help businesses and the community reduce their impact on the environment.

Click to expand: Enhance council services to ensure they are responsive to our diverse community
Council services including libraries need to readily available for our community

Council provides vital services for our community.

These services must be co-designed through lived experience participation, so we genuinely understand community needs and can deliver community-based outcomes.

I support effective service provision based on strengthening community impact, so we can improve the quality of Council services, as well as their reach.

I support our arts community as a cherished and vital social fabric of Port Phillip, providing local opportunities, as well as economic outcomes.

Click to expand: I support our community and champion the diversity within our community

I am fully committed to the diversity within Port Phillip. I do not believe anyone should be judged or discriminated against based on their sexual preferences, gender identity, cultural or religious backgrounds or other attributes.

I have worked extensively with communities that experience discrimination and have seen firsthand the impact exclusion has on their wellbeing and future aspirations.

Local government has an important role to play in fostering social inclusion by reducing barriers that may limit participation in our community. It is not for me to judge how someone chooses to live their life.

Click to expand: Effective planning processes to balance development with our urban character.
Planning must be streamlined to deliver community outcomes and certainty on housing needs

Planning requires a delicate balance between supporting new housing and improving housing affordability, alongside retaining our urban character.

During my time on Maroondah City Council, I supported the Ringwood Activity Centre, fostering new high-quality urban development, including community housing.

Urban development needs to be supported with social infrastructure that will provide opportunities for involvement in the arts, sports, leisure, education, and community support.

I will review planning processes to streamline decision making, while also supporting the community services required so our diverse community can live, work and enjoy life in Port Phillip.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss further policies that will improve Montague Ward and Port Phillip, then please contact me. I am here for the community, and I want to represent you and not party politics.

How I will be Making this Happen?

I was one of Victoria’s youngest politically independent Councillors when I was elected to Maroondah City Council in 2005 and served as one of the youngest politically independent Mayors in 2010, after being re-elected in 2008.

I entered local government with the desire for making a difference and that is what I did. Over two terms of Council I strengthened governance, restored fiscal responsibility, improved sustainability, secured investment for the Ringwood Town Centre and developed new facilities including sporting and community centres.

I can do this again, this time for our Port Phillip community.

Port Phillip needs change and I can only deliver positive community outcomes with your support.

That is why I am asking you to Vote 1 Alex Makin.