Category: Environment
Media Release: Council signs an Agreement of Mutual Support
Maroondah City Council Mayor Alex Makin has joined five eastern council Mayors in signing an Agreement for Mutual Support in an effort to provide a stronger voice for the region. Councillor Makin said the agreement would deliver a cohesive approach to issues facing the region. “Having the support of our surrounding Councils will mean that…
Monkami Luncheon – Introducing Alarming Art
The Monkami Centre is located in Croydon and is a not-for-profit disability services provider for people with intellectual disabilities. The Centre has a strong emphasis on empowering its clients and provides a range of educational, employment and community development activities. This afternoon I attended a luncheon organised by the Monkami Centre to provide an introduction…
Maroondah Leader: Point of no slick churn
The Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) is a community based organisation that promotes improvements to public transport. I served as the founder and Convenor of the Outer East Branch until 2008, forming the branch to provide local advocacy on public transport issues affecting Melbourne’s eastern suburbs. Since 2008 Jeremy Lunn has served as the branch…
Media Release: Councillors show support for Ringwood Station petition
Maroondah City Councillors have thrown their support behind the Ringwood Station Petition and are urging other members of the community to get behind the campaign. All nine Maroondah Councillors have signed the petition which is calling on all state political parties to commit to an upgrade of Ringwood Station within the term of the next…
Media Release: Draft Community Facilities Occupancy Policy and Pricing Policy on public display
Maroondah City Council has endorsed the draft Community Facilities Occupancy Policy and the draft Community Facilities Pricing Policy for public display. The policies were presented at the Council meeting on September 20. Council currently owns or manages more than 100 sports fields, pavilions, halls, meeting rooms and other facilities on behalf of the community. Maroondah…
Maroondah Weekly: Station upgrade high on wishlist
Maroondah City Council’s campaign calling for the upgrade of Ringwood Station is continuing with a strong response to the petition calling on all political parties to commit to the redevelopment of the Station during the next term of Government. The Maroondah Weekly has reported on Council’s campaign and the widespread community support it has received:…
Eastern Transport Coalition – September 2010 meeting
The Eastern Transport Coalition is a regional based council advocacy group, which includes Melbourne’s seven outer eastern Councils. I attended tonight’s meeting to provide members with an update on Council’s campaign to secure the redevelopment of Ringwood Station into an accessible, safe and integrated interchange. The Eastern Transport Coalition is planning a series of candidate…
Second Meeting with Central Activities District Mayors
This afternoon the Mayors of Melbourne’s six Central Activity Districts; Dandenong, Frankston, Footscray, Hume, Maroondah and Whitehorse discussed the need for increased dialogue between each Council. The Central Activities Districts are six urban centres, that have been nominated for intensification and mixed use development, providing a range of housing, employment and community opportunities. While senior…
Opening the mecu Eastland service centre
mecu is a credit union, which encompassed several other organisations including Maroondah Credit Union. As an organisation, mecu has a strong focus on sustainability, with expert advice provided to their board in regard to sustainability initiatives. This morning I was invited to open their new Eastland Service Centre, mecu’s flagship store for the eastern suburbs.…
Media Release: Ringwood Station petition well supported
Maroondah City Council’s petition calling on all state political parties to commit to a redevelopment of Ringwood Station in the next term of government has received generous support from the community. Maroondah Mayor Alex Makin said to date more than 150 people had signed the petition, some choosing to leave comments on Council’s website. “It…