Category: Sustainable Transport
Eastern FM – discussing Council’s advocacy role
Radio Eastern FM is a community radio station that broadcasts on 98.1 FM from studios at Wyreena Community Arts Centre. The radio station has a variety of programs, including interviews with Councillors on the first Friday of each month. This month I was interviewed on Radio Eastern FM to discuss Council’s role in advocating on…
Signing the Ringwood Station Petition
The ongoing need for the redevelopment of Ringwood Station is a major priority for the Maroondah community and Council will be advocating very strongly to secure funding through the State Election in November. The steep ramps at Ringwood Station do not meet disability compliance standards and the station itself does not provide the amenities required…
Media Release: Mayor leads by example in station advocacy campaign
“Today marks the start of our campaign to secure a commitment from all major state political parties to commit to an upgrade of Ringwood Station within the term of the next government,” Maroondah Mayor Alex Makin said. “I am proud to be the first signatory on the petition which we hope will see Ringwood Station…
Maroondah Leader: Petition junction
Maroondah City Council has begun its advocacy campaign to secure a commitment for Ringwood Station in the lead up to the State Election. The City of Maroondah is calling on all political parities to commit to providing a safe, accessible and integrated transit interchange for Ringwood. The Maroondah Leader has reported on the start of…
Eastern Regional Mayors and CEOs Forum – discussing regional priorities
The Eastern Regional Mayors and CEOs Forum, includes the Cities of Banyule, Boroondara, Dandenong, Knox, Manningham, Maroondah, Monash, Nilumbik, Whitehorse and the Shire of Yarra Ranges, meets on a regular basis to advance priorities on behalf of the region. Today’s meeting was hosted at the City of Maroondah and included sessions with MPs and Candidates…
Media Release: Council launches petition to upgrade Ringwood Station
Maroondah City Council is calling on all state political parties to commit to delivering a safe, accessible and integrated Ringwood Station within the term of the next State Government. On September 1, Council will launch a petition as the first stage of a community based campaign calling for the Station redevelopment. Maroondah Mayor Alex Makin…
Media Release: Maroondah celebrates National Meals on Wheels Day
Maroondah City Council will be recognising the local heroes of its Meals on Wheels service on Wednesday 25 August as part of National Meals on Wheels Day. Mayor of Maroondah, Councillor Alex Makin, and Councillor Nora Lamont will be joining volunteers to deliver the delicious meals to clients in and around Maroondah. “It’s a pleasure…
Delegates’ Report: Thanking our volunteers, supporting cultural diversity and youth and reducing greenhouse emissions
On the 31st of July I attended an evening hosted by Maroondah’s Sudanese Community, where they shared traditional Southern Sudanese cuisine with the wider Maroondah municipality. Maroondah is home to almost 200 people from Sudan who share similar aspirations, in regard to employment and housing, like many other members of our community. The food included…
Meeting with Central Activity District Mayors
This afternoon the Mayors of Melbourne’s six Central Activity Districts; Dandenong, Frankston, Footscray, Hume, Maroondah and Whitehorse discussed the need for increased dialogue between each Council. The Central Activities Districts are six urban centres, that have been nominated for intensification and mixed use development, providing a range of housing, employment and community opportunities. While senior…
Combined Meeting for Central Activities Districts
The State Government’s Planning at 5 Million Policy envisaged a network of Central Activities Districts throughout Metropolitan Melbourne, with these centres offering a range of employment, housing and community facilities. These Central Activities Districts include: Box Hill, Broadmeadows, Dandenong, Footscray, Frankston and Ringwood. While Local Government has largely supported this direction through developing masterplans to…