Tag: community consultation
Response Submission to the VEC's representation review for Maroondah City Council
I have submitted my response submission to the Victorian Electoral Commission’s (VEC) representation review into Maroondah City Council. It is encouraging that the Victorian Electoral Commission has found that substantial changes are required to Maroondah’s ward structure as demonstrated through the three options brought forward in the preliminary submission. In providing a response to the…
Media Release: Council view on ward boundaries must be transparent
Cr. Alex Makin has condemned Maroondah City Council for its failure to adequately represent the community over proposed ward boundary changes. “Community consultation held in November last year made it clear that the community supported the introduction of a new ward structure including multi-member wards,” Cr. Makin said. The Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) is required…
Sustainable Living Space Working Group meeting 2008
The Sustainable Living Space Working Group is a partnership between North Ringwood Community House, Park Orchards Learning Centre, Eastern Volunteers Resource Centre and Maroondah and Manningham Councils. The project involves the assessment of support for a CERES type sustainability project within Melbourne’s outer eastern suburbs. A project manager has recently been appointed by the working…
VEC Preliminary Submission – Achieving a cohesive Maroondah community
Given that Maroondah City Council has failed to reflect the community’s views in its submission to the Victorian Electoral Commission I have authored my own individual submission recommending multi-member wards, as supported by the community. It is unfortunate that some councillors in Maroondah have chosen to disregard the community’s view and decided to put their…
Maroondah Leader: Review to push the boundary
The Maroondah Leader has reported on Maroondah’s submission to the representation review being undertaken by the Victorian Electoral Commission where the majority of councillors chose to ignore the wishes of the community: The submission was discussed at the last council meeting when councilors Alex Makin and Maureen Naylor chose to vote against the proposals. Maroondah…
Media Release: Maidstone Street Park – not for sale
Maroondah City Council agreed to abandon the proposed sale of land at 47A Maidstone Street, Ringwood at its meeting held on Monday 16 July, 2007. Councillor Alex Makin said that before selling any Council owned land, a range of community consultation measures must be followed. “Council takes its role as steward of land assets seriously…
Laburnum Community Action Group
The second public meeting of the Laburnum Community Action Group, which was held this evening, was coincidentally scheduled exactly three months after their inaugural public meeting. Much has happened over the course of the last three months, including the successful formation of a regular steering committee (which was one of the outcomes from the first…
Walking School Bus Finds New Feet
I am pleased to announce that Maroondah City Council has resolved to continue the Walking School Bus program to assist in combating childhood obesity and to encourage walking.
Ringwood Residents – We Want to be Heard!
I and the Ringwood Transit City Community Coalition (RTCCC) must thank everyone who attended our public forum Ringwood. Tell Us The Future. With approximately 100 attendees the strong public attendance from us, the residents of Ringwood, sent a clear message that a lack of direct and meaningful community consultation will not be tolerated. We also…
Local Groups Form United Transit City Community Coalition
The formation of the Ringwood Transit City Community Coalition (RTCCC) will ensure that community concerns are represented and heard within the Ringwood Transit City Project. The very success of Ringwood depends upon meaningful community consultation. Without such consultation the viability of business investment will be threatened as the public will reject inappropriate plans that have…