Tag: community groups
Media Release: Launch of Communities for Public Transport
Communities for Public Transport, a community focused transport lobby group, will be unveiled at the Sustainable Living Festival on Sunday the 17th of February at 10am. “Communities for Public Transport marks a new direction for public transport advocacy. The group will work within local communities to ensure that local residents are empowered to advocate for…
Heatherdale Community Action Group meeting 2008
The Heatherdale Community Action Group exists to preserve, protect and enhance the amenity of Heatherdale Road and neighbouring areas. Heatherdale is in a unique situation where the locality is divided between Maroondah (the eastern side of Heatherdale Road) and Whitehorse (the western side of Heatherdale Road). The Action Group is able to provide a voice…
North Ringwood Community House Committee meeting 2008
The North Ringwood Community House, located at 120 Oban Road, Ringwood North, is a community owned and managed centre which provides a diverse range of courses and educational opportunities for our community. One of the strengths of the house is the provision of accredited TAFE courses within a supportive, friendly and nurturing environment. The community…
Croydon Conservation Society meeting
The Croydon Conservation Society (CCS) is a conservation and environmental group that is dedicated to improving the sustainability of the urban and natural environments within Maroondah. Focal points include canopy tree coverage, remnant bushland, sustainable transport, planning outcomes and anti-graffiti measures. The CCS is particularly focused on policy development to ensure that all tiers of…
First Maroondah Citizens' Advice Bureau meeting for 2008
The Maroondah Citizens’ Advice Bureau committee meetings have returned for 2008. Today’s meeting discussed and adopted a new business plan to ensure that the organisation maintains the ability to meet community needs into the future. This year will include a number of challenges for the Maroondah Citizens’ Advice Bureau, including the need to encourage new…
Maroondah Citizens Advice Bureau meeting 2008
The Maroondah Citizens’ Advice Bureau began in 1967, with the founding of the Ringwood Advisory Service, which was one of the first advisory services at the time. The organisation became known as the Maroondah Citizens’ Advice Bureau Inc. following council amalgamations in 1996. The Maroondah Citizens’ Advice Bureau delivers crucial support for some of Maroondah’s…
2008 Maroondah Festival
The Maroondah Festival is an annual community event with numerous attractions including a lifestyle precinct, youth precinct, a community expo and a large gourmet food area. This year’s Maroondah Festival will also include a prominent sustainability display to discuss water, energy and transport conservation. The Festival is also part of the ReCharge Program, with power…