Tag: community groups
Ringwood Chamber of Commerce 2007 AGM
The Ringwood Chamber of Commerce held its AGM tonight to elect its committee for the next twelve months. Entertainment was provided by Ron Blaskett, a ventriloquist who with his puppet Gerry Gee, starred as an entertainer from the early years of Melbourne television. The Ringwood Chamber of Commerce has remained pivotal in representing the business…
Maroondah Citizen's Advice Bureau 40th Anniversary
The Maroondah Citizens Advice Bureau has celebrated its 40th anniversary with a luncheon held at the Ringwood RSL, in tribute to the many past and present volunteers that dedicated their time to the organisation. I was invited to the luncheon as both a committee member and as a Maroondah councillor. The history of the Maroondah…
Peak Oil, Petrol Prices and Climate Change Conference
Peak Oil and the impacts of climate change have risen in prominence this week with both the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) and a coalition of community groups led by the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) organising conferences on these issues. I attended the Peak Oil, Petrol Prices and Climate Change conference which was organised…
Croydon Stroke Support Group
This morning I was invited to speak to the Croydon Stroke Support Group about my role as a Maroondah Councillor and to hear any concerns raised by members. The discussion focussed strongly on Maroondah’s footpaths and the needs of pedestrians. Maroondah Council recently passed a Pedestrian Strategy which provides a framework to address the lack…
Croydon Conservation Society Meeting 2007
The Croydon Conservation Society (CCS) is a conservation and environmental group that is dedicated to improving the sustainability and the urban and natural environments within Maroondah. Focal points include canopy tree coverage, remnant bushland, sustainable transport and anti-graffiti measures. The Croydon Conservation Society meets on the second Thursday of each month. For details please visit…
Delegates' Report: Examples of Leadership and Passion
On the 29th of April until the 1st of May I attended the Local Government Managers Association Conference in Hobart. The conference was themed the Power to make a difference and the Passion to lead and this was reinforced through the focal points of People, Process and Place, to reflect the foundations of local government.…
Outer East Citizens Advocacy 21st Anniversary
This evening I was invited to attend the Outer East Citizen’s Advocacy 21st anniversary to celebrate the accomplishments of the organisation in providing a voice for people with disabilities and the frail aged. The Outer East Citizens Advocacy located in Greenwood Avenue, Ringwood provides training and referral services to some of eastern Melbourne’s most vulnerable…
Salvation Army Companion Club
This morning I was invited by the Salvation Army Companion Club to speak about my experiences as a Councillor on Maroondah City Council and to discuss the role of Council within the community. The discussion focused on the plans for Ringwood, the need for public transport improvements and the urgent need to upgrade Ringwood Station.…