Tag: community groups
Maroondah Festival
The Maroondah Festival held each year at Croydon Park, is the premiere cultural and community event for Maroondah. This year I attended the festival to assist with a number of community stalls and to speak to local residents. While there was heavy rain early in the morning, we were fortunate for the rain to subside…
Australia Day Awards: Celebrating Community Involvement
As part of the Australia Day festivities Maroondah Council organised citizenship ceremonies for new Australian citizens and the Australia Day Awards which recognise the importance of volunteers within the local community. The strength of an community is dependent largely on the efforts of volunteers. The Australia Day Awards is Maroondah’s way of recognising and acknowledging…
RTCCC – Moving Forward Into The Future
Tonight we held our monthly Ringwood Transit City Community Coalition (RTCCC) meeting and discussion focused on preparing for our Clean Up Graffiti Day to be held on Saturday the 1st of October. The Ringwood Transit City Community Coalition (RTCCC) was established on the 17th of January 2005 and as a founding member I am proud…
RTCCC Combats Graffiti – The Scourge of Ringwood
The presence of graffiti can be detrimental to the revitalisation of any urban centre and as such the prompt removal of graffiti must take place within Ringwood and the entire Maroondah municipality. To combat the growing presence of graffiti the Ringwood Transit City Community Coalition (RTCCC) is pleased to announce that it will be holding…
Put The Community Back Into Ringwood
The Ringwood Transit City Community Coalition (RTCCC) held a public workshop entitled Planning and Participation to encourage wider community input and debate into the future of Ringwood. The workshop was well received by the community and clearly demonstrated the need for wider community input into the future of Ringwood. View media issued by the RTCCC.
Pedestrians Treated Poorly in Ringwood
The current pedestrian hostile environment in Ringwood is hampering efforts to create a a vibrant town centre for Ringwood. The Ringwood Transit City Community Coalition (RTCCC) issued a media release highlighting current areas of concern within Ringwood and calling for immediate and recognisable improvements. The issued media release is available here.
Community Participation within the Transit City Project
Community Participation within the Transit City Project was authored to ensure the aim of wider community participation and consultation within the Transit City Project. Through achieving this aim the community will hold greater confidence in the future of Ringwood and will more willingly accept a reasonable degree of change that will inevitably occur within the…
Speech for Ringwood: Tell Us The Future
This speech was delivered at the public forum Ringwood: Tell Us the Future organised by the Ringwood Transit City Community Coalition (RTCCC). The forum attracted approximately 100 attendees demonstrating the community’s desire for meaningful, open and direct consultation within the Ringwood Transit City Project. The speech I delivered at this forum is available here.
Local Groups Form United Transit City Community Coalition
The formation of the Ringwood Transit City Community Coalition (RTCCC) will ensure that community concerns are represented and heard within the Ringwood Transit City Project. The very success of Ringwood depends upon meaningful community consultation. Without such consultation the viability of business investment will be threatened as the public will reject inappropriate plans that have…