Tag: disabilities
Monkami Performance – Picnic at Hanging Rock
Monkami is a not-for-profit organisation that provides services for people with intellectual disabilities. The organisation has a strong emphasis on community involvement and in proving an holistic approach to care, through encouraging their clients to participate in educational, employment and creative opportunities. An example of this creativity is the Monkami Drama Group, which is now…
Eastern Volunteers 2009 AGM
Eastern Volunteers is a not-for-profit community organisation that provides volunteer referral services and transport for people with disabilities and the frail-aged within Maroondah, Whitehorse and parts of the Yarra Ranges. This morning the organisation held its annual general meeting to elect board members for the next twelve months. I have been re-elected to the Eastern Volunteers Board…
Delegates’ Report: Environmental Sustainability and Achievements by People with Disabilities
On the 23rd of August I attended the launch of the North Ringwood Tennis Club’s water sustainability project. The club, through a combination of Federal and Council grants, has installed water tanks to assist the watering of its courts and reduce dependence on our limited water supplies. Like many of our sporting clubs, North Ringwood…
Maroondah Disability Action Group and Scoot Wheel n Move – Joint meeting with the Federal Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities
Scoot Wheel n Move and the Maroondah Disability Action Group, are two local community groups focused on improving the accessibility of Maroondah and the outer east. Scoot Wheel n Move is particularly focused on accessibility for people with mobility aids, while the Maroondah Disability Group is concerned about advocacy and achieving systemic change. While the…