Tag: government
Melbourne 2030 Urban Planning Reference Group
The Melbourne 2030 Urban Planning Reference Group (formerly known as the Melbourne 2030 Councillor Reference Group) is a group consisting of Councillors and Council Officers that is developing a local government wide approach for the Melbourne 2030 audit. Given that Melbourne 2030 has wide reaching ramifications for local councils it is imperative that the local…
Channel 7: Report on worsening traffic conditions
This evening I was on Channel Seven news commenting on the need for public transport improvements to mitigate Melbourne’s worsening traffic congestion. [flv]http://www.alexmakin.com.au/videos/20070226-ch7-traffic.flv[/flv] Melbourne will continue to experience worsening traffic congestion until the State Government finally provides real transport choice in the form of frequent, readily available, reliable and safe public transport. Rail lines to…
The Age: A Dad's Army of shunted carriages called up in crisis
In an example of the lack of foresight typical of the former Minister for Transport, Peter Batchelor, The Age has revealed that the State Government has been forced to hire back the non air-conditioned Hitachi trains due to a shortage of rollingstock. The rollingstock shortage has been further compounded due to the withdrawal of 31…
The Age: Dangerous tracks slow rail speeds on busy lines
The Age has exposed the decrepit state of Melbourne’s rail tracks, amid ongoing negligence by both Connex and the State Government in maintaining Melbourne’s physical rail infrastructure: DANGEROUS tracks and poor maintenance on some of Melbourne’s busiest suburban rail lines are forcing trains to run at speeds as slow as 30 km/h, increasing journey times…
3AW with Derryn Hinch: Discussing Melbourne's public transport neglect
This evening I was invited to speak on the 3AW Drive program with Derryn Hinch to discuss the ongoing issues facing Melbourne’s rail system. While the Premier had announced a freeze on fare prices for months, this is nothing more than a cold comfort for Melbourne’s public transport users that have had to put up…
The Age: Fare freeze gets cold reception
The State Government has announced a freeze on Melbourne’s public transport fares to deflect rising criticism over the latest spate of cancellations on Melbourne’s rail network. Premier Steve Bracks this morning announced the decision by the State Government to freeze the price increases, which were due on March 4. The freeze in public transport fares…
ABC 774: Discussing Melbourne rail woes
This evening I was invited to discuss the discuss the ongoing dramas and inconvenience suffered by Melbourne’s rail passengers on ABC’s Radio 774. The interview, which included a number of talkback callers, focused on the endless excuses used by Connex to defend its ever diminishing performance in operating Mekbourne’s rail network. While it is correct…
The Age: Schools add to rail squeeze
The Age has reported on the worsening rail crisis as passengers are stuck in severely overcrowded trains or left behind on rail platforms. PTUA vice-president, Alex Makin, said peak-hour train passengers had been treated like cattle since Connex sidelined 31 of its 72 Siemens trains because of safety concerns following revelations of brake problems. While…
The Age video news bulletin: Ride trains at your own risk
Melbourne’s rail network is in disarray amid the removal of 31 Siemens trains from service due to ongoing braking issues. Furthermore a senior transport official has told The Age that all of the 72 Siemens trains should be removed from service due to safety reasons. As Melbourne’s rail passengers face worsening cancellations due to a…
2007 Australia Day Awards and Citizenship Ceremony
As part of the Australia Day celebrations, Maroondah City Council held its Citizenship Ceremony and Australia Day Awards at the Karralyka Centre. Under existing legislation, local councils are responsible for conducting citizenship ceremonies, providing new Australian citizens with often their first formal contact with local government. In addition to welcoming new citizens, Maroondah provides Australia…