Tag: graffiti

  • Thank You For Your Support

    With votes to be counted on Saturday and Sunday campaigning for the Maroondah Council elections is drawing to a close. As such I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has supported me throughout my campaign particularly the overwhelming number of volunteers who assisted in letterboxing and printing. As a result we…

  • Candidate Statement

    The postal ballots for the Maroondah Council elections will start arriving at households between Tuesday and Thursday of this week (the 8th to the 10th of November). Each candidate has the opportunity to submit a 150 word statement outlining their policies and vision for Maroondah and Loughnan’s Hill which is distributed as part of the…

  • RTCCC – Moving Forward Into The Future

    Tonight we held our monthly Ringwood Transit City Community Coalition (RTCCC) meeting and discussion focused on preparing for our Clean Up Graffiti Day to be held on Saturday the 1st of October. The Ringwood Transit City Community Coalition (RTCCC) was established on the 17th of January 2005 and as a founding member I am proud…

  • RTCCC Combats Graffiti – The Scourge of Ringwood

    The presence of graffiti can be detrimental to the revitalisation of any urban centre and as such the prompt removal of graffiti must take place within Ringwood and the entire Maroondah municipality. To combat the growing presence of graffiti the Ringwood Transit City Community Coalition (RTCCC) is pleased to announce that it will be holding…