Tag: history

  • Ringwood Historical Society

    Tonight I attended a Ringwood Historical Society meeting focused on the life of former Councillor Ben Hubbard, a well respected councillor from the City of Ringwood, and the inspiration behind the name of BJ Hubbard Reserve in Ringwood North. It was fascinating to hear about the life of Ben Hubbard and his boundless passion for…

  • PTUA Outer East Branch – First Meeting for 2006

    The Outer East Branch of the Public Transport Users Association (PTUA) met tonight for its first meeting in 2006. Items discussed included the upcoming Transport and Liveability Statement. In the words of Steve Bracks this much anticipated statement “would address an imbalance between road and public transport” (Leader Newspapers, Tuesday 14th of February 2006) and…

  • Achieving Transit Orientated Design

    This submission was written in response to concepts discussed during the Community Reference Group meeting in September relating to the proposed redevelopment of Ringwood Station. Transit orientated design refers in part to the integration between public transport and commercial/residential/community precincts and as such is dependent on the convenience of public transport, active transport (walking and…