Tag: maroondah council
Environment Workshop: Combating Climate Change
Combating Climate Change is the second of two workshops organised by Maroondah City Council to explore the issue of climate change. While the first workshop provided an introduction to the issue of climate change, this workshop will offer practical advice on what people can do at home to save energy and reduce their ecological footprint.…
Environment Workshop: All About Climate Change
All About Climate Change is the first of two workshops organised by Maroondah City Council to explore the issue of climate change. The workshop will feature a presentation from an Al Gore ambassador (An Inconvenient Truth) with the aim of providing a greater understanding of how our climate is changing and how it will impact…
Media Release: Find out what climate change is all about
Heard about climate change but not sure how you make a difference? Then come along to Maroondah City Council’s free workshops on Climate Change and Energy Efficiency during November. Councillor Alex Makin said the first workshop, All About Climate Change focuses on exploring the issue of climate change and the concept of an ecological footprint.…
Eastern Volunteers Resource Centre : Launch of Kia Carnival
Amongst its referral and training services, the Eastern Volunteers Resource Centre also provides transport for people with disabilities and the frail aged. This service is available for medical and health care appointments, day care programs, social and recreational activities, shopping and family visits and aims to assist people to live independently within their homes. While…
MAV Graffiti Prevention and Strategy Workshop
The State Government has announced a number of legislative changes in regard to the prevention of graffiti and the Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV) organised a workshop to explain how these changes would effect local government. The workshop began with a presentation from the Department of Justice who explained that the State Government was focused…
Maroondah Journal: New look for the council?
The Victorian Electoral Commission is required to undertake a review of council ward structures and composition to coincide with every second council election. While some councils undertook this review prior to the 2005 council elections, the formal process for Maroondah will begin in January to coincide with the 2008 council elections. Maroondah Council currently has…
Maroondah Journal: Back to an outdoor dip at the Croydon pool this summer
Works are progressing on schedule for the Croydon Memorial Pool, meaning that it will be reopened in time for the summer season from the 24th of November. The Maroondah Journal has reported on this progress and the expected reopening of the facility: Cr Alex Makin said the pool would be open in time to coincide…
Maroondah Forum for People with Disabilities and Carers – final meeting for 2007
Maroondah’s Forum for People with Disabilities and Carers provides an opportunity for the community to raise access and inclusion concerns directly with Maroondah City Council. The forum is held on a quarterly basis and often includes updates from Maroondah City Council, transport providers and government. Maroondah is currently revising its Disability Policy and Action Plan…
Maroondah Journal: Recycling plant on notice for breach of public health
The Maroondah Journal has reported on the successful prosecution of Southern Rocycling brought forward by Maroondah City Council Southern Rocycling, which due to excessive noise volumes was found to have breached the Health Act, was placed on an 18 month good behaviour bond as well as being ordered to pay $3000 to the Salvation Army’s…
Media Release: Happy feet are active feet
As part of Active Transport Day on Tuesday 16 October, Maroondah City Council staff have cast aside their cars and will either ride or walk to work. Councillor Alex Makin is an advocate for sustainable transport, including walking and using public transport. “Active Transport Day is a combination of the former National Ride to Work…