Tag: Maroondah
Rotary Club of Ringwood – assisting communities affected by bushfires
The Rotary Club of Ringwood is part of Rotary District 9810 which covers eastern and southeastern Melbourne, including areas affected by the recent bushfires. Tonight’s meeting featured a past Ringwood Rotarian and Marysville resident who spoke about his miraculous escape from the fires that devastated the town. The discussion focused on the determination to rebuild…
Maroondah Leader: Transport Coalition aims for changes
The State Government is undertaking review of bus services across Metropolitan Melbourne with the latest series exploring routes within Maroondah, Knox and the Yarra Ranges. The Maroondah Leader has reported on the upcoming reviews, including the public workshop which will be held this Thursday. Coalition Deputy Chair and Maroondah councillor Alex Makin called for a…
Maroondah Partners in Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee returns for 2009
The Maroondah Partners in Health, Safety and Wellbeing committee meets on a bi-monthly basis to discuss projects and initiatives that deliver a positive impact to life within Maroondah. This primary objective for the committee over the course of 2009 is to finalise the Maroondah Wellbeing Plan, a strategic document that will guide Maroondah’s priorities over…
Maroondah Partners Health, Safety and Wellbeing committee
The Maroondah Partners in Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee provides an opportunity to address issues relating to the safety of the Maroondah community. The committee includes representation from council, as well as external agencies and service providers, including the Department of Human Services, Victoria Police, Connex and Eastern Volunteers, providing a wealth of knowledge in…
Heatherdale Community Action Group meeting 2009
The Heatherdale Community Action Group exists to preserve, protect and enhance the amenity of Heatherdale Road and neighbouring areas. Heatherdale is in a unique situation where the locality is divided between Maroondah (the eastern side of Heatherdale Road) and Whitehorse (the western side of Heatherdale Road). The Action Group is able to provide a voice…
Croydon Conservation Society meeting
The Croydon Conservation Society (CCS) is a conservation and environmental group that is dedicated to improving the sustainability of the urban and natural environments within Maroondah. Focal points include canopy tree coverage, remnant bushland, sustainable transport, planning outcomes and anti-graffiti measures. The CCS is particularly focused on policy development to ensure that all tiers of…
Maroondah Disability Action Group meeting
The Maroondah Disability Action Group also known as the Disability Action Group Eastern Region, aims to provide a voice for people with disabilities across Maroondah and Melbourne’s eastern suburbs. The group includes people with disabilities who desire to improve the accessibility of Maroondah and the outer east. Specific aims include: To provide systemic advocacy to…