Tag: Maroondah
Media Release: Ensuring a sustainable financial future for Maroondah
Maroondah City Council’s Proposed Council Plan 2010-2014 and Proposed Budget 2010-2011 were formally adopted during Council’s Monday 28 June meeting. The documents highlight the key initiatives which underpin the planning and budget blueprints for the Maroondah community. Mayor of Maroondah, Councillor Alex Makin, said the Council Plan set out a broad range of Council activities…
Maroondah Leader: Councillors enliven proceedings
Maroondah Councillors recently conducted a workshop designed to improve the proceedings of public meetings and improve the transparency of Council. These changes began at the June Council meeting and will provide debate and insight into the decisions that are being made by Council. Maroondah Mayor Alex Makin said the move was a result of a…
Maroondah City Council adopts 2010/2011 Budget
Unlike other levels of government, local councils are required to place their draft budgets on exhibition to enable comment from the public, prior to the budget being formally considered by Council. This evening Council formally discussed the 2010/2011 Budget, with Councillors resolving to adopt the budget as per the draft that was released last month.…
Launch of Community Art Project in Main Street Croydon
This morning I was invited to launch mosaics that were created through a community art project in Main Street, Croydon. The mosaics were created by Swinburne VCAL students, through discussions with the Main Street Traders Committee and Maroondah City Council. The community art project is an example of collaboration and partnership between various organisations, including…
Maroondah Journal: Ready to let games begin
The Glen Park Sports Pavilion was one of several projects identified through the Glen Park Future Directions Masterplan, which aimed to improve the amenity of the Glen Park Precinct and provide facilities for the Bayswater North community. Projects within the Masterplan have been completed through a mixture of Local, State and Federal funding and the Maroondah Journal has reported…
Media Release: Proposed Budget and Council Plan on public exhibition
Maroondah City Council has released its proposed Budget for the 2010-2011 financial year. It underpins the released 2010-2014 proposed Council Plan, which is the blueprint Council follows to achieve the community’s vision as set out in Maroondah 2025 – A Community Planning Together. Mayor of Maroondah, Councillor Alex Makin said both documents would go on…
Commemorating Anzac Day
Maroondah has two Anzac Day Dawn Services, one at the Ringwood Clocktower and the other at the War Memorial in Croydon. The services are organised through the RSL branches and this morning I attended the Dawn Service along with Councillors Nora Lamont, Ann Fraser and Natalie Thomas. The Ringwood service was attended by approximately 3000…