Tag: Maroondah
2010 Australia Day Awards and Citizenship
Australia Day is a significant event within Maroondah, with Council hosting a Citizenship Ceremony and the Australia Day Awards at Karralyka Centre. In addition, Council provides a barbecue and bands at Ringwood Lake for the afternoon. As the Mayor of Maroondah, I officiated the proceedings this morning, as we announced the recipients of the Australia…
Media Release: Boost for sustainability at Ringwood Aquatic Centre
Council expects to deliver more than $60,000 in electricity savings and cut greenhouse gas emissions by 917 tonnes a year through the operation of a new energy production system at Ringwood Aquatic Centre (RAC). The gas fired cogeneration system, delivered to the centre last Thursday, converts heat produced by two gas fired engines into usable…
Book Launch: From Horse Shoes to High Heels – The History of Eastland
This evening I attended the launch of From Horse Shoes to High Heels, a history of the Eastland Shopping Centre site, written by Richard Carter, the former President of the Ringwood Historical Society. The launch was held at the Urban Life Cafe in Ringwood and Richard was introduced by Phil Turner, Maroondah’s Director of City…
Rotary Club of Ringwood – 40th anniversary
This afternoon I attended the 40th anniversary of the Rotary Club of Ringwood, which celebrated the organisation’s presence within the Ringwood and Maroondah community. The Rotary Club of Ringwood was chartered on the 27th of October 1969 with 26 initial members. The club was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Box Hill, which supported Ringwood…
Media Release: Ride to Work Day ‘wheely successful’
As part of the Ride to Work Day initiative on Wednesday 14 October, a number of Maroondah City Council staff left their cars at home to ride, catch public transport or walk to work. Councillor Alex Makin said the annual Ride to Work Day was a chance for the community to make their way to…
Eastern Volunteers 2009 AGM
Eastern Volunteers is a not-for-profit community organisation that provides volunteer referral services and transport for people with disabilities and the frail-aged within Maroondah, Whitehorse and parts of the Yarra Ranges. This morning the organisation held its annual general meeting to elect board members for the next twelve months. I have been re-elected to the Eastern Volunteers Board…
Media Release: Business Week registration now open
Online registration and bookings are now open for all Maroondah Business Week activities and functions. There’s a great range of events to get involved in including breakfast, lunch and evening events with guest speakers, training sessions and workshops. Councillor Alex Makin said the annual Business Week offered local businesses an opportunity to network and update…
Speaking at the Kerrabee Club
The Kerrabee Club, located in Croydon, is a Planned Activity Group for the frail aged and people with disabilities. The Club is operated by the City of Maroondah and is available for eligible recipients of Home and Community Care (HACC). This morning I was invited to speak to the Kerrabee Club about my role as…
Media Release: Recession proof your business
Learn how to take steps to recession proof your business during a free two-hour information night at the Karralyka Centre in Ringwood East. Councillor Alex Makin said a panel of business experts would be on hand to answer questions such as ‘Are you concerned about how your business might perform in the current economic climate?’…
Maroondah 2009 Photography Competition
The Maroondah Photography Competition is an annual event with the photographs being displayed as an exhibition within the Maroondah Art Gallery at Maroondah Federation Estate. The event is an annual competition providing an opportunity for local residents to showcase their photographic skills and to take photos of Maroondah events, landmarks or scenery. Prizes are awarded…