Tag: people with disabilities
Delegates' Report: Outer East Citizen's Advocacy and Safety at Stations
On the 21st of September I was invited to a meeting of the Outer East Citizen’s Advocacy situated in Greenwood Avenue. The Outer East Citizen’s Advocacy provides tireless work in advancing the rights of people with disabilities and aims to allow these people to fully participate within society. In providing this service the Outer East…
Outer East Citizen's Advocacy
The Outer East Citizen’s Advocacy Inc. is a not for profit organisation that aims to defend, promote and protect the rights of people with disabilities and to empower people to access the resources within their local community. This evening I was invited to speak to the Outer Eastern Citizen’s Advocacy in regard my background in…
July Maroondah Disability Forum
Maroondah’s Disability Forum operates on a quarterly basis to allow Council to gather input on accessibility issues within the City of Maroondah and to report on the progress on resolving such issues. July’s meeting included a presentation from Eastern Recreation Leisure Services which works with sporting clubs to ensure an inclusive sporting program to cater…
Community Calls for Station Redevelopment
As a councillor for Maroondah City Council and the Outer East Branch Convener of the Public Transport Users Association I have been actively campaigning for the much needed redevelopment and overhaul of Ringwood Station. The upcoming Transport and Liveability Statement to be released by the State Government in late April will determine whether the government…
Candidate Statement
The postal ballots for the Maroondah Council elections will start arriving at households between Tuesday and Thursday of this week (the 8th to the 10th of November). Each candidate has the opportunity to submit a 150 word statement outlining their policies and vision for Maroondah and Loughnan’s Hill which is distributed as part of the…
Maroondah: We Must Stop The Rot
As a proven community advocate I am seeking your vote in the upcoming council elections. We must remove the rot of an arrogant council that has failed to listen to the community. Maroondah Council must act to ensure that the community can restore its faith into the decisions the council makes. As such I will…
Pedestrians Treated Poorly in Ringwood
The current pedestrian hostile environment in Ringwood is hampering efforts to create a a vibrant town centre for Ringwood. The Ringwood Transit City Community Coalition (RTCCC) issued a media release highlighting current areas of concern within Ringwood and calling for immediate and recognisable improvements. The issued media release is available here.
Speech for Ringwood: Tell Us The Future
This speech was delivered at the public forum Ringwood: Tell Us the Future organised by the Ringwood Transit City Community Coalition (RTCCC). The forum attracted approximately 100 attendees demonstrating the community’s desire for meaningful, open and direct consultation within the Ringwood Transit City Project. The speech I delivered at this forum is available here.