Tag: safety
Partners in Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee – final meeting for 2008
This morning marked the final meeting of the bi-monthly Maroondah Partners in Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee for 2008. The committee includes council and a number of external bodies, including Victoria Police, Connex, Department of Human Services, Outer East Primary Care Partnerships and the Department of Education, to implement a collaborative approach to enhancing the…
School Crossing Supervisors – Morning Tea
School Crossing Supervisors are largely funded through local government and provide safety for schoolchildren within streets and roads located near schools. The morning tea provided an opportunity to recognise the many crossing supervisors that work throughout the City of Maroondah and to acknowledge the services they provide for schoolchildren. Most of Maroondah’s school crossing supervisors…
Media Release: Remember the school road rules
Maroondah’s schools are back in action from Monday 6 October and Maroondah City Council is reminding drivers to remember the school rules and slow down to the specified speeds in school zones. Councillor Alex Makin stresses how important it is that all motorists be responsible when approaching school zones, and obey the reduced speed limits.…
Partners in Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee – defining the wellbeing of Maroondah
The Maroondah Partners in Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee comprises of internal council staff and external agencies to develop strategies and implement actions to improve the wellbeing of Maroondah. The group’s current priorities include council’s new Community Wellbeing Plan. This plan, which is expected to be finalised in mid 2009, will set council’s priorities for…
Media Release: Musical chills abound at Maroondah’s FReeZA
It’s that time of the year again when Maroondah City Council’s Youth Services team puts out the call for young people in the community to become part of the Maroondah FReeZA Program. Councillor Alex Makin said Council’s Youth Services team are looking for enthusiastic young people aged between 15 and 21 years who are interested…
Partners in Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee – discussing Council's new wellbeing plan
While the Premier and Cabinet descended upon Maroondah as part of their ‘Community Cabinet’ — and left without an announcement towards the redevelopment of Ringwood Station, I was chairing Maroondah’s Partners in Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee to discuss council’s direction in community wellbeing. Today’s Partners in Health, Safety and Wellbeing Committee discussed the charter…
Ringwood Rotary – discussing the Maroondah Police Seniors Register
This evening I attended a Ringwood Rotary meeting held at Club Ringwood on the corner of Oban Road and Maroondah Highway. Ringwood Rotary is one of the 50 clubs that form District 9810, which covers eastern and southeastern Melbourne. Rotary’s motto “service above self” epitomises the work undertaken by the organisation with the club being…
The refugee experience: a celebration of culture
This afternoon EV’s Youth Centre in Croydon hosted a presentation facilitated by the Migrant Information Centre and the Blackburn Language School to celebrate the Burmese culture introduced by refugees from the Chin, Karen and Zomi communities. Democracy in Burma ended in 1962 and while elections were held in 1990 the results were not recognised by…