Tag: sustainability
Maroondah Business Expansion and Retention Program
Loughnan’s Hill Ward, which includes the commercial and retail centre of Ringwood, as well as the industrial areas along Heatherdale and Canterbury Road, includes a diverse range of businesses that provide goods and services to our community. It is important for any municipality to have a strong business sector so that we can provide local…
Australia 2020 Summit
As the Deputy Chair of the Eastern Transport Coalition I was invited to attend a local version of the Australian Government’s 2020 summit. The regional summit, which was held at Monash University in Clayton, included the same themes that will be discussed in Canberra later this year: Future directions for the Australian economy; Economic infrastructure,…
Delegates' Report: Supporting community calls for accessibility and sustainability
On the 28th of February I attended the launch of the Coloured Emotions Art Display, facilitated by the Parent Support Network – Eastern Region. The group provides support for carers, parents and families that have children with a disability, through support groups, advocacy and other activities. Coloured Emotions is an art therapy program facilitated by…
Maroondah Climate Change Action Group – discussing climate change
This evening I was invited to speak with the Maroondah Climate Change Action Group to discuss climate change and the need for ongoing action at a local level to reduce greenhouse emissions. The continued growth of the Maroondah Climate Change Action Group demonstrates that the community is increasingly concerned about greenhouse emissions and the need…
Croydon Conservation Society 2008 AGM
The Croydon Conservation Society (CCS) is Maroondah’s oldest and largest conservation and environmental society. The Society aims to promote urban sustainability within Maroondah to preserve the leafy image of the municipality. Tonight’s meeting included a presentation from Phil Turner, the Director of Major Projects and Planning of Maroondah City Council, who discussed the Ringwood Transit…
Media Release: ETC seeks budget commitments from Federal and State Governments
In submissions to the State and Federal Governments the ETC has sought co-operation to tackle one of the most significant contributors to rising greenhouse gases and rising petrol prices – private transport. Cr Mick Van De Vreede, ETC Chairperson said that the seven councils wanted to see the funding criteria for AusLink changed to allow…
Eastern Transport Coalition February 2008 meeting
Tonight’s Eastern Transport Coalition meeting focused on developing an action plan based upon the strategic direction established at the January meeting. The major facet of this action plan, will be the hosting of a public transport summit later this year to explore the public transport issues faced within Melbourne’s eastern suburbs. While the State Government…
Activating Communities: Communities for Public Transport at the Sustainable Living Festival
Melbourne’s Sustainable Living Festival, held at Federation Square, is Victoria’s premiere festival celebrating and promoting urban sustainability. As part of the proceedings, I delivered a presentation on the aims of Communities for Public Transport and the need for grassroots advocacy for public transport improvements. Ultimately a lack of public transport affects local communities, through failure…
CEDA Transport Infrastructure: National Priorities
In between my new role at Mycause, I attended a Committee for Economic Development of Australia (CEDA) discussion on transport infrastructure. The program included two guest speakers, Eric Keys, Principal of the consultants Booz Allen Hamilton and Nick Dimopoloulos, the Chief Executive Officer of the National Transport Commission. Both speakers discussed the need for an…