Tag: sustainability
Public Forum on the Sustainable Living Space
The Sustainable Living Space is a partnership project between North Ringwood Community House, Maroondah City Council and Eastern Volunteers, which aims to provide a central information service on sustainability. Tonight a public forum was held to invite community participation within the project and to encourage involvement. The forum provided background information on the project, including…
Delegates’ Report: Environmental Sustainability and Achievements by People with Disabilities
On the 23rd of August I attended the launch of the North Ringwood Tennis Club’s water sustainability project. The club, through a combination of Federal and Council grants, has installed water tanks to assist the watering of its courts and reduce dependence on our limited water supplies. Like many of our sporting clubs, North Ringwood…
North Ringwood Tennis Club – official opening of water tanks
Like many aspects of our community, sporting clubs have had to adapt to climate change and water restrictions. It is imperative that our community groups focus on environmental sustainability to ensure that they can continue to remain viable into the future. As a result, Maroondah City Council launched its Sustainability Fund in 2007 to provide…
The Climate Project – Australia
The Climate Project is a not-for-profit organisation founded by former Vice President Al Gore. The project aims to train volunteers to deliver presentations on Climate Change and the need for an environmentally sustainable future. This evening The Climate Project was officially launched under the auspice of the Australian Conservation Foundation through a dinner at the…
Eastern Transport Coalition – Bus reviews and transport priorities
The Eastern Transport Coalition, as a regional body consisting of Melbourne’s seven outer eastern councils provides the opportunity to advocate for better public transport across Melbourne’s eastern suburbs. Tonight’s meeting discussed the bus service review process, with the second round of workshops being announced. These workshops will provide an opportunity for the community to respond…
Maroondah Journal: Budget fails to impress critics
The State Government Budget was released last Tuesday and the Maroondah Journal has reported on the ramifications for Maroondah. The State Government has delivered on its $39 million commitment towards the Ringwood Transport Interchange. While this funding is certainly welcome and will assist in improving bus, pedestrian, cyclist and taxi access to the Station it…