Tag: Sustainable Transport
Touring Back2Bikes
Back2Bikes is a not-for-profit charity located at 525 Williamstown Road next to JL Murphy Reserve within Montague Ward. The organisation provides repairs, and recycling of bicycles, as well as training in maintenance and the gifting of bikes to vulnerable members of our community. This afternoon I was invited as the Ward Councillor to a tour…
Media Release: Monster petition to be presented to Parliament
The Eastern Transport Coalition’s (ETC) ‘monster petition’ will be presented on Thursday 24 June at 1.00pm on the steps of Parliament House. The petition has travelled throughout Melbourne’s eastern region since 21 July 2009 and has been hosted by each of the seven members of the ETC – the municipalities of Maroondah, Monash, Whitehorse, Dandenong,…
Maroondah Journal: One step at a time for Mayor
One of the first initiatives I implemented as Mayor was to return the Mayoral car, meaning I would continue to utilise sustainable transport, such as buses, trains and walking when undertaking Council commitments. The Maroondah Journal has reported on my usage of sustainable forms of transport within my Mayoral term: Maroondah mayor Alex Makin has…
Delegates’ Report: Annual General Meetings, Promoting Harmony and Recognising Achievements
February and March have both been busy months with the opening of new facilities, annual general meetings and awards. On the 19th of February I had the pleasure of opening the revamped Keystone Hall, located in Croydon. The project, which received Council and Federal funding, is a multi-purpose facility that houses several groups, including Croydon…
Eastern Transport Coalition – Final Meeting as Maroondah’s delegate
The Eastern Transport Coalition (ETC) is a Council based advocacy group seeking to improve public transport within the outer eastern suburbs of Melbourne. Member councils include the City of Maroondah, the City of Greater Dandenong, City of Knox, City of Manningham, City of Monash, City of Whitehorse and the Shire of Yarra Ranges. Each year…
Eastern FM – Interview with the Mayor
My first official Mayoral duty was an interview with Eastern FM at their studios based at the Wyreena Arts Centre. Eastern FM broadcasts on 98.1 FM and has a monthly radio segment scheduled for the first Friday of month, where interviews are conducted with one of the Councillors. As the newly elected Mayor I was…
Croydon Conservation Society meeting
The Croydon Conservation Society (CCS) is a conservation and environmental group that is dedicated to improving the sustainability of the urban and natural environments within Maroondah. Focal points include canopy tree coverage, remnant bushland, sustainable transport, planning outcomes and anti-graffiti measures. The CCS is particularly focused on policy development to ensure that all tiers of…