Tag: transport
Media Release: New resource for stroke survivors and carers
Maroondah City Council is preparing to release a new publication aimed at stroke survivors and carers. The publication, A Guide to Services for Stroke Survivors and Carers, was produced by Council’s Metro Access Project workers with assistance from the Croydon Stroke Support Group. Councillor Alex Makin said the guide took a holistic approach to providing…
Eastern Transport Coalition – Presentation on Myki
Tonight’s Eastern Transport Coalition meeting included a presentation on myki, Melbourne’s new ticketing system, as well as providing an update on the rollout of the Monster Petition. Myki is due for introduction by the end of the year and will replace the paper-based Metcards with a plastic smartcard that will deduct public transport fares from…
North Ringwood Community House – consultation over feasiblity study
North Ringwood Community House is currently undertaking the feasibility study into its relocation. The study is required to ensure that the community house is able to provide an accessible and diverse range of courses for the community. As part of the study process the consultants have undertaken consultation with staff, committee members and students to…
Speaking at the Kerrabee Club
The Kerrabee Club, located in Croydon, is a Planned Activity Group for the frail aged and people with disabilities. The Club is operated by the City of Maroondah and is available for eligible recipients of Home and Community Care (HACC). This morning I was invited to speak to the Kerrabee Club about my role as…
Delegates' Report: Advocating for public transport improvements and an update on the Ringwood Spiders
On the 18th of June and the 16th of July I attended the Eastern Transport Coalition, as Maroondah’s delegate to the committee. The Eastern Transport Coalition is a regional body, that consists of Melbourne’s seven outer eastern councils and this includes the City of Maroondah. One of the priorities for the group is to engage…
The Climate Project – Australia
The Climate Project is a not-for-profit organisation founded by former Vice President Al Gore. The project aims to train volunteers to deliver presentations on Climate Change and the need for an environmentally sustainable future. This evening The Climate Project was officially launched under the auspice of the Australian Conservation Foundation through a dinner at the…
The Footmen Club – July Luncheon with Eastern Volunteers
The Footmen Club is a local community service club that raises money to support those in need in the local community. The club holds bi-monthly luncheons, as well as an annual Golf Day fundraising event. This afternoon’s speaker was the General Manager of Eastern Volunteers, who spoke about the ongoing growth of the organisation and…
Maroondah Journal: No rail cash – funding uncertainty for station upgrade
One of the most important community issues within Maroondah is the much needed redevelopment of Ringwood Station. The station fails disability compliance standards and is perceived to be unsafe by the wider community. While the State Government has committed $39 million over four years to redevelop the Station forecourt and bus interchange, the current funding…