Tag: volunteers
Ringwood Diving Club – Annual General Meeting
The Ringwood Diving Club is based at the Ringwood Aquatic Centre and utilises the facilities to provide competitive diving and classes for its members. This afternoon the Ringwood Diving Club held its annual general meeting to elect office bearers for the next twelve months and to present trophies to the club members that have excelled…
Ringwood Bowls Club – 80th anniversary and 2009 Launch Bowls Season Launch
The Ringwood Bowls Club is located at 2-12 Loughnan Road and includes two grass and one artificial green, as well as a clubhouse that also serves as a function centre. Tonight the club celebrated its 80th anniversary and the launch of the 2009 Lawn Bowls Season. The Ringwood Bowls Club has had a long history…
Public Forum on the Sustainable Living Space
The Sustainable Living Space is a partnership project between North Ringwood Community House, Maroondah City Council and Eastern Volunteers, which aims to provide a central information service on sustainability. Tonight a public forum was held to invite community participation within the project and to encourage involvement. The forum provided background information on the project, including…
Opening of the Monkami Art Exhibition – Do you see what I see?
This morning I attended the opening of the Monkami Art Exhibition, ‘Do you see what I see?’, held at the Maroondah Art Gallery at Maroondah Federation Estate The Exhibition was opened by Cr Rob Steane and features artwork by people with an intellectual disability. Monkami is a not-for-profit community organisation that provides pathways for people…
Media Release: Creating a safe community
Community Safety Month 2009 kicks off in October and there are a number of supporting events planned for the Maroondah community. Councillor Alex Makin said the month aimed to promote awareness about a broad range of safety matters including crime prevention, personal safety, safe work practices, staying safe during emergencies, and improving the perception of…
Ringwood Spiders Civic Reception
The Ringwood Spiders, a football club for people with disabilities, competes within the Football Integration Development Association (FIDA) league and recently won the 2009 Grand Final, the club’s first premiership in 14 years. Tonight, Maroondah City Council held a Civic Reception to congratulate the club and its members on their successful season. The reception provided…
Ringwood Historical Society – 2009 AGM
Tonight’s Ringwood Historical Society meeting consisted of the 2009 AGM, to elect officebearers for the next twelve months. The club has had a successful year, with the meeting schedule increasing to monthly and a diverse range of speakers and presentations. Tonight’s meeting included a presentation on the history of Fraternal Societies within Ringwood and Maroondah.…
Maroondah Disability Action Group and Scoot Wheel n Move – Joint meeting with the Federal Parliamentary Secretary for Disabilities
Scoot Wheel n Move and the Maroondah Disability Action Group, are two local community groups focused on improving the accessibility of Maroondah and the outer east. Scoot Wheel n Move is particularly focused on accessibility for people with mobility aids, while the Maroondah Disability Group is concerned about advocacy and achieving systemic change. While the…
Ringwood Historical Society meeting
The Ringwood Historical Society aims to collect, promote, preserve and document the history of Ringwood, from its early origins in antimony mining and orchards through to its suburban expansion and beyond. As Ringwood undergoes another transformation the importance in documenting its history cannot be underestimated. The Ringwood Historical Society meets ten times a year at…